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Safe Cell Phone Program: what it is, how it works and everything we know so far

The Safe Cell Phone program is a Brazilian government initiative to combat cell phone theft in the country and was launched in 2023. 

The goal is to discourage this type of crime by preventing criminals from accessing their victims' sensitive data, breaking into bank accounts, or using phone numbers for other scams. Nowadays, the majority of people keep sensitive data and applications on their cell phones, so this information must be protected. 

How the Safe Cell Phone Program works

Safe Cell Phone works as a bridge between the owner of a cell phone and financial institutions, applications, and telephone operators linked to the program. The tool allows users to block applications, bank accounts, and telephone lines with just a few clicks. 

The idea is to send a simultaneous alert requesting the block to the institutions and companies that are part of the initiative. The point is to reduce the time it takes the victim to contact each institution and speed up the blocking process to avoid major losses.

Additionally, victims of theft or robbery can use the tool to report incidents. This option allows notifications to be forwarded to those responsible for the program, who will then notify law enforcement agencies. 

Besides supporting direct victims of theft or robbery, Brazil’s Ministry of Justice hopes to discourage new crimes with the program. This is what the executive secretary of the Ministry of Justice, Mr. Ricardo Cappelli, explained in an interview with local news platform g1:

"The person who stole the device won't be able to use the apps, won't be able to access the banks, and won't be able to sell the device. We believe that this will not only discourage this crime but also reduce the demand for stolen devices."

What can it already block? 

The scope of blocking depends on partnerships between Brazil’s Federal Government and the entities and companies that represent the applications and services available on cell phones.

So far, it is possible to block the phone lines and apps of most banks. Transportation and delivery apps are also among the partners. To see the full list, visit the program's official website.

How to register a device and use the Safe Cell Phone program

You can register for the Safe Cell Phone program through the app or the official website. Once registered, users can list one or more phone numbers as long as they are linked to the same individual taxpayer number.

The system also allows users to register "Trusted Persons", who can report an incident on the victim’s behalf in the event of theft, robbery, or loss of a device. This feature is optional since victims can register reports via the website.

However, be aware. It's very common for criminals to take advantage of government initiatives to scam people by creating accounts on social networks and spreading fake links and applications. So, when looking for more information or joining the program, make sure to access official government channels or those of the program's partner institutions.


Lastly, bear in mind that not all applications and services can be blocked by the tool. The Safe Cell Phone program is expected to continue developing and forming new partnerships to increase its effectiveness.

It’s also worth remembering that the leading operating systems have their own blocking and security methods, which should also be configured to ensure maximum protection for your device.

Unfortunately, we are all subject to cell phone loss, theft, or robbery. So any and all precautions are welcome.