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Why does cybersecurity need to be a priority for HR?

Do you, as a human resources manager, need to care about your company's cybersecurity? The answer is yes! And there are plenty of reasons for it. 

In a scenario where digital threats are constantly evolving, a cybersecurity awareness program is essential to protect the company's assets and make sure business is not interrupted. HR's role in this context is vital, as it is responsible for educating, training and engaging employees in promoting a culture of cybersecurity.

The impacts of cybercrime on HR

Data leaks

Data is one of a company's most valuable assets, and its proper protection is essential to maintaining the trust of customers, partners, and investors.

Decrease in staff productivity

Imagine a scenario in which the company falls victim to a cyberattack. The consequences can be devastating:

  • Dismissals: If confidential data is compromised, the company may face dismissals due to the loss of trust from customers and partners.

  • Downtimes: System disruptions can lead to operational outages, affecting employee productivity.

  • Pressure in the corporate environment: The stress and anxiety caused by cybersecurity incidents can negatively impact employee well-being and performance.

Employer brand image

Scams and leaks affect the image of companies, which can drive away more qualified professionals who are paying attention to news in the industry.

How does cybersecurity training reduce risks and protect the company's human resources?

A cybersecurity awareness program educates employees on how to handle sensitive information such as passwords, financial data, and intellectual property. This fortifies the company's defenses against internal and external threats and lowers the risk of data breaches.

And that's not all. Cybersecurity training helps to create a culture of security within the company. When employees understand the importance of digital security and are engaged in protecting company data, they become active advocates for cybersecurity in all facets of their daily work.

This culture of security helps to strengthen the company's defenses against cyber threats and fosters trust, transparency, and accountability among members of the staff.  

Employees become more aware of their own actions and the impact they have on the overall safety of the organization, thereby creating a safer and more resilient working environment.

HR, a cybersecurity awareness program matters!

Investing in digital security training, tools, and policies not only protects the company from digital threats, but also improves productivity, employee trust, and the organization's reputation. 

A cybersecurity awareness program is not just a preventive measure, but a strategic investment that benefits the company as a whole.